Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination

There are two distinct languages. There is the verbal, which separates people, and there is the visual that is understood by everybody. – Yaacov Agam.

Art is created in such a manner that everyone, young, old, deaf, dumb, can enjoy and take something away from it. The language of art is totally different from the common language. It’s all about communication of ideas, thoughts and emotions through visual representation..

Art speaks to all regardless of age, nationality, or religion. It unites the world.

One interesting thing about art is that it needs no words, and the meaning of a piece of art is up for interpretation by the viewer. Art chooses no side yet chooses all sides..

Art is a universal language, and through it each nation makes its unique contribution to the culture of mankind. – Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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